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Pas og visumregler til Vietnam

Nye regler eller lempelser af eksisterende regler kan indføres med meget kort varsel. Du bør derfor holde dig løbende opdateret og altid følge de lokale myndigheders anvisninger. 

OBS. Ved spørgsmål om visum til Vietnam henvises til den vietnamesiske ambassade i Danmark eller til Immigrationsmyndighederne i Vietnam.


  • Pas skal være gyldigt i mindst 6 måneder ved indrejsen.
  • Danske forlængede pas anerkendes til ind- og udrejse.
  • Danske nødpas (provisoriske pas) anerkendes kun ved udrejse. Ved udrejse skal du have et udrejsestempel i passet hos de vietnamesiske immigrationsmyndigheder. Dette kan tage op til 7 hverdage.
  • EU-nødpas anerkendes kun ved udrejse.
  • Tjek på forhånd om et eventuelt transitland på rejsen anerkender et dansk nødpas eller et EU-nødpas. Kontakt transitlandets ambassade, se Copenhagen Diplomatic List
  • Visse viseringer og stempler i dit pas kan medføre, at du kan blive nægtet indrejse.
  • Hvis du har dansk flygtninge- eller fremmedpas, kan der gælde andre regler for ind- og udrejse. Inden du rejser, så kontakt Vietnams ambassade i København.


  • Visumfri (ophold i maks. 45 dage, både indrejsedato og udrejsedato inkluderet).
  • E-visum med ophold i maks. 90 dage med flere indrejser gennem et antal udvalgte grænseovergange kan søges online på Vietnams immigrationsportal.
  • Ved ophold længere end 90 dage, skal du søge om visum på den vietnamesiske ambassade i København.

Særligt om visum til journalister

Nedenstående retningslinjer er udsendt af det vietnamesiske udenrigsministeriums pressecenter:

Foreign Journalists who wish to undertake short-term press assignment in Vietnam need to do the following:

For the journalists who undertake the press works for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark:
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Copenhagen requests assistance from the Danish Embassy in Hanoi.
The visiting journalists provide the Danish Embassy in Hanoi with their passport details, proposed working programme in Vietnam. The Danish Embassy will contact the Press and Information Department to assist in facilitating the visit.

For other journalists:
An application for press visa must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the scheduled arrival date to either the Embassy of Vietnam or directly to the Press and Information Department:

The Press and Information Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam
7 Chu Van An Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
E-mail:[email protected]

Embassy of Vietnam
Bernstorffsvej 30C, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
Tel: +45 39183932
Fax: +45 39184171
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mofa.gov.vn/en

In addition to their passport details, the applicant should provide their contact details, purpose of visit, requirements, working programme and schedule of activities in Vietnam.

If the application is approved, a press visa will be issued.
In both cases, the visiting journalists will be accompanied by an authorized Vietnamese press officer while carrying out the programme in Vietnam. This is the normal procedure by the law of Vietnam. It is against the law to work in Vietnam as a journalist on a tourist visa.

For more reference, kindly read the Circular No 04/2014/TT-BTTTT on Press and Information Activities of Foreign Journalists in Vietnam-issued by Ministry of Information and Communication in connection with the Government’s Decree No. 88/2012/ND-CP dated 23rd of October, 2012.

A press officer will acts as an interpreter and will accompany the foreign journalist during the press task in Vietnam.  Please note that The Foreign Press Centre will charge a fee for the service provided by the press officer.

For the journalists who have Vietnamese working counterparts:
The journalists contact their Vietnamese working counterparts and provide all details such as composition of the press team, passport details, purposes, requirements, working programme, schedule of activities and list of equipment.

Then the Vietnamese counterparts will contact the Press and Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam to ask for the permission to receive and do press work with these visiting journalists.